Sunday, 1 July 2012

No flying yet, although this afternoon might be on. In anticipation for my Bevrc Skyeye Head Tracker turning up I have now fitted tilt to the X8.

Its a simple setup consisting of a glued on tilt servo, a hole drilled into the cameras bracket to feed the control rod end through. The link itself to the servo arm and you have basically the most basic but effective tilt system going, no fuss no hassle :)

Here is a demo from one of my other planes of it working

It is as easy at it gets, the X8`s P&T has 360 degree pan though

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Welcome to the FPV Workshop

The FPV Workshop is a small blog site I`ve setup to be a useful resource of information for up and coming FPV pilots.

Its a place where I can collate my videos, tutorials and my weekly blog that I can hopefully look back on and watch my own progression as my air miles increase and my understanding does as well

So what is FPV ? 

FPV stands for First Person View. Most visiting this blog will know this, for others that are not frequent with the term, it means in my hobbies case, flying from the first persons ( pilots ) view from an RC aircraft as apposed to flying it from the ground looking up at it.

It is highly addictive, if done correctly and if high quality footage and experience is sought after also a very expensive hobby.

It is still in its early days of development, but the people involved in the hobby and the technology being used now is bringing the what we can achieve on leaps and bounds.